Are Routine Prenatal Massages Safes for Your Unborn Child?

Getting a massage when you’re pregnant has always been debated. While some experts believe that routine prenatal massages can be beneficial for both the mother and unborn child, others argue that it may pose certain risks.

Benefits of Prenatal Massages

Pregnancy changes a woman’s body in many ways, both physically and mentally. Routine prenatal massages can help in alleviating common discomforts linked to pregnancy, such as back pain, swelling, and fatigue. It upholds better sleep, reduces stress and anxiety, and improves overall mood.

Aside from these perks for the mother, prenatal massages can also positively affect the unborn child. Multiple studies prove that regular prenatal massages can increase blood flow to the placenta, providing more oxygen and nutrients to the baby. This can aid in healthy fetal development and can potentially decrease the risk of complications during pregnancy.

Did you know that prenatal massages can also help with labour and delivery? It’s true! Regular massages have been linked to shorter labour times and lessening the need for medical interventions during delivery. This is because the massage can help to relax the muscles and prepare the body for childbirth.

Is There a Difference Between a Regular Massage and a Prenatal Massage?

Yes, there is. Prenatal massages are specifically tailored for pregnant women. The massage therapist will use techniques to accommodate the mother’s changing body, such as avoiding pressure points that may stimulate contractions.

It’s also important to note that not all massage therapists are trained in prenatal massages. It’s crucial to seek out a licensed and experienced therapist who understands the specific needs and considerations of pregnancy.

Risks of Prenatal Massages

While there are many benefits to prenatal massages, there are also some risks that should be taken into consideration.

Firstly, women with high-risk pregnancies or certain medical conditions may not be suitable candidates for prenatal massages. It’s essential to consult with your doctor before starting any massage therapy during pregnancy.

Additionally, some women may experience discomfort during the massage due to increased sensitivity in certain areas. The therapist must communicate with the mother and adjust their techniques accordingly.

Lastly, specific pressure points on the body must be avoided during pregnancy as they may stimulate contractions. A trained prenatal massage therapist will be aware of these points and prevent them from ensuring the safety of both the mother and unborn child.


Routine prenatal massages can provide numerous benefits for pregnant women, including improved physical and mental well-being, as well as potential benefits for the unborn child. However, it’s essential to consult with a doctor and seek out a trained therapist who understands the specific considerations of pregnancy. With proper precautions, prenatal massages can be a safe and beneficial form of self-care during pregnancy. So go ahead and pamper yourself, mama-to-be!